
So, how can you protect your child online?

The answer is simple. If you understand the internet and understand what the risks are, there are a number of things you can do that will make your child safer online…

Being involved and talking to children
Social Networks have a minimum age restriction, usually age thirteen. Parents should talk to their children about the reasons behind the age restriction as they are there for a reason. Accessing such sites too early can expose children to unnecessary bullying.

It is also very important to ensure children and young people feel comfortable about telling their parents things that have happened online. Talking to their children will help parents to understand the ways in which they are using the internet, social media and their mobile phone. Talking to children about responsible behaviour is important as sometimes children who are victims of cyberbullying may also be involved in cyberbullying others. Ensure they know they can go and talk to an adult or parent if they are being bullied and need support. How parents talk to their children will depend on their age.


How to protect your child online


What do I need to Know


Need to Talk?


We equip young people, parents and professionals with the skills to tackle bullying and safeguarding issues across the UK.

BBC Webwise

Online Security for Parents


Need Help Immediately?

Instagram Guidelines

Parents’ Guide to Instagram

Think You Know How

Let them teach you

Snapchat Guidlines

A Parents’ Guide to Snapchap

Facebook Guidelines

Parents’ Guide to Facebook